Yes, I know. The basics are easy but it's extremely hard to achieve shadows in acceptable quality. Nice smoothing and getting rid of artifacts requires a lot of expertise.

So do you have a usable solution yourself?
No, I don't laugh But I haven't tried yet (I haven't reached that stage in my current project, and I haven't had any shader work involving shadowmapping). I'm confident I could have a usable solution, but I'm wary of having a one-size-fits-all shadowmapping setup when the techniques used depend a lot on the situation.


EDIT: Btw, in some cases you can see how other people do it just by interacting with their demos. For example, in Unity's "Room of Shadows" demo the sun uses a screen-space blur to soften the shadows (much like in A7's shader workshops), while the omni-lights are content with nothing to cover up the aliasing. It still looks good, but it's not difficult.

Last edited by JulzMighty; 11/01/09 09:41.

Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!