@Ratchet: That sounds excellent to me laugh

I really need to get focused on key gameplay too, this exploration of the tile system has shown me enough to know this is a logical way to go ahead when making this type of title.

I have enough parts to create a level now and really can focus on the game play:

In no particular order...

- Core Gameplay!
- - Cool special attacks / moves / telepathy
- - Better Animations for the player
- - Path Finding
- - Better State Manager Ai
- - Pickups & Stuff
- - OSD & GUI
- - Multiplay for 4 people

This is enough to keep me going pretty much through to the new year, so I had best get my eye on the prize wink

Thanks everyone for the tips, exploring this tile system has given me a clear path forward. Much appriciate everyones input.

The Art of Conversation is dead : Discuss