Hi there community, i have yet again encountered a problem with my level and i need your bright heads again!

I appreciate the help you have given me and the guiding through the different problems.I hope you can help me figure out this problem as well. laugh

Now to my problem:
Im trying to light my scene, yet no satisfying result.

Ok, so i have copied all my mdl files into the project folder, then started WED. Then i use rightclicking in the viewport and Add - Model - "project folder".

A couple of lights are placed just to test it out. I try to build the project, its here im getting my error, it goes like this:

My settings:

So i cant say i had any luck figuring this out. The bumpmapping works fine.

The strange thing tho are: if im using Import under "File" menu, and then light my scene it works! But then my bumpmaps cant be used, it complaints about missing heightmaps? i have named my normalmaps the same as diffuse diffuse maps and "_n" at the filename ending. and PCX as format. What am i doing wrong here?

Heres a screenshot of my game, hope you like the textures laugh

Modeller and texturer (3dsMax, Photoshop, Zbrush)