i found this code in aum66 (its for stop a wav with a slow descent of the volume)

var loop_handle;
var loop_volume = 100;
sound atmosphere_wav = "atmosphere.wav";
function loop_startup()
loop_handle = snd_loop(atmosphere_wav, 80, 0);
while (!key_f) {wait (1);}
while (loop_volume > 1)
snd_tune(loop_handle, loop_volume, 0, 0);
loop_volume -= 0.5 * time_step; // 0.5 = vitesse de fondu
wait (1);
snd_stop (loop_handle);

but looks like it works only with .wav and not with .mid, tried to change some things like media instead of sound but it dont works.
i got a normal "wrong type invalid file".

so my question is : is there a solution with only some change to make it work for .mid and if yes, which one.