Originally Posted By: ratchet

The massacre scene playing it, had no impact and no immersion at all on me :
level , characters looked like in a video game, not immersive !

well have fun with that, tell that to the half a million people who are still disturbed by it, the point was never about the realism of the game in general but of the immersion of this scene, whether what you felt before playing the game or not, the fact that showing this little scene can generate such controversy around the net, then its doing what it should do...

Originally Posted By: ratchet
Speacial forces have Snipers and Commandos that you won't put down like that

umm, we know that, hence it being a game, so pointless to say that.. i didnt say it mirrored reality, i said this scene did what it should do..

call of duty games are never very good at connecting to player emotion and this is because they jump between levels and make you play as characters you dont care about but as said.. this topic isnt about that