In fact it's pure game for me, i don't see any reality in tha game.

this little scene can generate such controversy around the net,
I know , it can be a good thing for people that don't know how horrible is a war !

Even that scene is far far far from the reality when you have real blood in front of your or crying/dying people :
In reality, you'll feel really bad , at a point no game can reach.

If one day you' are in front of a hard situation( for example big accident with people dead or dying) : you'll feel really really bad , and i guaranti you that you'll consider games as pure fiction.

Well everyone take and feel games like he wants.
I would find a movie based on MW2 lot lot more emotionnal and impacting , caus of real actors ! Sure !
If they really want to show horror or bring emotion just make a movie, it would work great.

Last edited by ratchet; 11/11/09 15:31.