Create you model in 3ds Max in “T” pose.
Texture your model and add the bones and envelopes so the model is ready for animation. (Your model must be a single mesh).

First Part: 3ds Max work flow.

1 - Select your model (Just the model not anything else like lights or cameras or whatever extra things in you scene).

2 - Go to File/Export Select and save your model as a *.3DS file. Example: Hero.3ds

3 - Save your Max model with a different name. Example: Hero_anim.max (This is optional. You can continue working in your scene in Max if you want to.)

4 - Animated your model inside Max for example: from frame 2 to frame 10 animate your walk frames, from frame 11 to frame 20 your attack animation, etc.

5 - Now that the animation process is done with the model selected (the model must be selected) we need to go frame by frame selecting the desire key frame of animation that we are going to export with the proper name:

Your frame #2 in 3ds Max is the frame #1 in your animation cycle. With the model select we go to File/Export Select and we saved as a *.3DS file example: walk00.3ds.

We need to do the same with every frame that we need in the final model of the game until we have all the necessary frames that our model is going to use. Always remember: Max key frame saved as the animation name key frame.

Second Part: MED work flow.

Now we have all our frames and model exported from 3ds Max as *.3DS files.
1 - Lunch MED and go to File/Import/Model from 3DS now select the first model that we export from 3ds Max (Hero.3ds).

2 - Once again go to File/Import/Append Frames from 3DS and this time select all the animation frames that previously export from 3ds Max.

All the frames are going to be added to your model as the key frames of the animation with the correct name.

3 - Now we need to correct the size and the position in our model so go to Edit/Select All.

4 - Once again go to Edit/Scale model global and scale the model to the correct proportion.

5 - Once again go to Edit/Transform model global and position the model so the center of the model is aligned with the gravity point in MED.

Well that’s all. I hope this could help you. Unfortunately this is the only way I know.

Best Regards.

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