Since my last try for a ragdoll code, i have changed some things.
This is the code used to rotate a bone according to its physic bonde:

while(ent.skill1 == 0)
		ang_diff(ang_a.pan,parent_ent2.pan,ang_b.pan); //calculate difference between old and new rotation of the physic-bone
ent_bonerotate(ent,source_bone,ang_a.pan);//rotate the anim-bone by the angular difference we got 2 lines above	

This is working as long as the mainbody's orientation(this hinge is connected to) is (0,0,0). How do i use now the orientation of the main body to calculate the correct angles?

As you can see, the bonemovement of the anim-bone and the physic-bone is fitting...but only as long as the main body(the big white block) has an orientation of (0,0,0). I know i have to use its orientation in my code but untill now i couldnt get it to work(maybe iam too tired).

I think until now, i did everything correct this time(ok still need to calculate with the main bodies orientation)

NAd yes i seacrhed through the forum,(and my old topicy) but couldnt find a solution for the thing iam imagine grin.

Maybe someone can give me a hint to add the calculation of the mainbody.

EDIT: i think i have to subtract the angle of the mainbody from the rotation of the physic-bone to get the local rotation right? And it hink i have to use matrices? But how?


Last edited by Rackscha; 11/19/09 16:52.

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