
I think my interpretation of what "immersion" and some others is obviously different. I meant no offense to those who find it disturbing or uncomfortable.

For me, "immersion" is when I get so into the game that for fleeting moments I 'forget' about the computer screen in front of me, the mouse in my hand and the keyboard at my fingertips. It usually doesn't last long, but it's cool! laugh

Maybe watching the video isn't such a good gauge of how immersive that game/mission/level would be, but after watching it twice, I don't think I'd get "immersed" in it based on what I saw. Probably because the game seems to be attempting to be set "in the real world"...yet you, as the player, and your 'team mates' can get shot several times and keep right on laying waste to the place. The police don't do anything either...at the very beginning, the bad guys walk out of an elevator, fully armed, and two cops turn to look at them. They stand there for about 2 seconds, staring. A few seconds later, 'you' (the player in this video) shoots his buddy in front of him...and all that happens is they guy looks back and says 'Check your fire'. The other officers behave like typical 'dumb AI'; one steps out from behind cover and stands there for a good second before the players team shoots him. Two more officers decide it's a good idea to take the *glass elevator* up to get the bad guys.

Again... *shrug*. Now, if they have a "realistic" setting, where the cops behave like they actually have training, and where if I (or a team mate) gets shot with automatic weapons, there are serious effects (likely death or at least shock and debilitation)...then maybe I'd get more "immersed" in it. At least with the 'realistic' settings on I'd be sweaty palmed and dry-eyed, extra cautions, and probably paranoid. But the way the video looked...to me, I might as well be playing DOOM with God-Mode on.

PS: Yet again, no offense to those who can really get into this kind of 'realistic setting' type games. I guess I'm just wired differently. I can't. DOOM, sure I can...because in it my mind already has accepted the "suspension of disbelief" of the setting. No 'realism' is implied.


"We've got a blind date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster."

-- The Shoveler

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