Thanks again for the encouraging comments.

Now that I have the basic enemies working, albeit without any pathfinding or real sense of Ai outside of their core behaviour states, its time to focus on the players avater: The players window to the game-play experience wink

After spending the last few weeks getting very frustrated with my pipeline as I tried to utilize 'Bones' which has proved to be something of a blind alley. Puppeteer and I, (Thanks for the help), have been trying to work these kinks out through PM but from my new tests I think there are some definate issues still with getting Max rigs accross into MDL bone format without some very odd scaling issues. I think to be fair, GS is long overdue a proper plugin suit for the leading modeling programs and 3DSMax should certainly be a priority. (Note: If anyone out there reading this thinks they could develop a proper set of plugins for 3DSMax get in contact please)...anyway, I digress grin

So I've broken the avatar rig into 3 parts so that I can animate the torso and legs seperately and in addition the head has been seperated to make variations easier to support.

Hopefully I will have this in and working in a few days.

Thanks again for the support and interest, and to everyone who's checked out the video progress and left comments.


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