Originally Posted By: sPlKe
how did those happen, did we invent them time machine and travel back?

this has nothing to do with the topic. of course there were other climate changes, but noone sais that we are the only ones who can cause them. but nowadays we are.

Originally Posted By: SP1Ke
ONE volcano erruption is as hazardous to nature like TEN years of american lifestyle fossil burning (rough estimate, not by me mind you).

that's just wrong. if that was true we would by long have all died out.

Originally Posted By: SP1Ke
we are in the middle of a climatic change that would actually cause the norhtern hemnisphere to freeze, a new ice age to say. and you are worried that it gets warmer?

where do you take that from? where i live snow coverage decreases year by year and glaciers melt. they don't melt because it gets warmer.

Originally Posted By: SP1Ke
we are NOT capable of destroying the earth.

we are, mind the nuclear weapons. ever since we invented them we were able to rid out every higher living on this planet.

Originally Posted By: SP1Ke
we are NOT capable of chaning the climate for more than a few degrees. we are NOT that powerful. earth couldnt care less. we may destroy our own environemnt, our own source of living, but the earth couldnt care less...

where do you take these from? there is no evidence for your statements. and i for my part would find it quite disturbing if we rid out our own environment.

Originally Posted By: SP1Ke
this is all bullcrap.

yeah, like these other ten "this is bullshit" statements of yours which i didn't cite. i couldn't resist quoting this one, though wink

whilst i agree with you what you say about coorporations making money out of that bio hype, exploiting peoples narrow-mindedness, i must ask you if you would expect something else of humankind.
