Hmm... did you uncomment the two lines in the example creating the "camera.bmap" as I indicated in my post?
Sorry, sometimes I am not so clear in my communication.

In this stand alone example below, the view entity is erroneously not visible because a rendertarget is assigned to the camera view, even though the rendertarget is not used, just assigned. Also it seems to make no difference to which view the entity is assigned. If you comment out the line "camera.bmap = camera_scene;", the view entity becomes visible.

BMAP* camera_scene;
VIEW* SecondView = {flags = PROCESS_TARGET;}

ENTITY* blob =
  type = "blob.mdl";
  flags2 = SHOW;  
  x = 150; 
  y = 35; 
function main()
  camera_scene = bmap_createblack(screen_size.x, screen_size.y,32);
  camera.bmap = camera_scene; // This prevents view entity visibility, comment out to test

  camera.stage = SecondView;

If I am not understanding, could you please post a simple two stage PP example (like above), that has a camera.bmap assigned and a visible view entity?

Thanks JCL.

Not two, not one.