Originally Posted By: Joey
Global warming nowadays is man-made, that's a fact just as fossil fuels run dry. Everyone denying that has no clue about the matter. I don't say that everything scientists say is true, but come on. Such a massive masquerade is not at all believable and there are so many simple evidences that there is a correlation between climate change and CO2 concentration in athmosphere that I don't really get why people keep arguing about this fact.

Take a globe , if its diamter is 1 meter, the atmosphere is about 1 cm thick
look at the small circles , they are the main cities of the worlds : London, New York etc
These are the main centres of pollution on the earth which have been created by human beings
If the circles were in scale you could not even see them
The (invisible) circles emit an (invisible) smoke
Do you think that they can have a great impact on the content of C02 of the atmosphere ?

CO2 is maninly produced by the nature itself