Originally Posted By: Petra
Hmm, why do you render all the time your view entities into a bitmap instead of just on the screen?

I do not. The examples I provide do. This thread is about post processing view entities, thus the title; "Enable post processing for view entities".

Originally Posted By: Petra

I think that's what all the people tried to tell you,

Huh? All what people? Perhaps there is some miscommunication.

Originally Posted By: Petra

you just must not render them with a render target view when you want them visible.

Then you can not post process the view entities to match the view, which again, is the subject of this thread, and the basis of my request.

Originally Posted By: Petra

I am using Shade-C and have many view entities for a compass and other elements, never had a problem with them. I just render them with a normal view.

If you are using shade-c and have visible view entities, then you are not using shade-c's PP. Shade-c's PP effects are set up to render the camera.view to a rendertarget exactly like the examples above, so you must either rewrite shade-c to use an additional, later view to supply this target, or in some way assign the view ent to a different view that does not use a rendertarget (not currently possible?), just to get the view ent visible. Neither of these solve the problem of post processing the view ent as part of the scene.

My request is simply to be able to choose via a flag, to postprocess a view ent with the rest of the scene or not.

Apologies if my post seems somewhat short, but I am weary of this topic.

Thanks for your interest.

Not two, not one.