
our actors consist of 2 models: head and the rest.

We use vec_for_vertex to place the head onto the body.
This works fine, but in some few situations the head is set a few pixels too far in front.

We have some invisible dummies at every door in every room.
After loading the room we get the position of one of those dummies, create the actor with ent_create and set him to this position. Directly after this we create the head entity, use vec_for_vertex to place it and then the position of the head is updated every frame by also using vec_for_vertex.

This works fine in over 20 rooms ... but we have 2 positions in 2 rooms where the head is placed a few pixel away from the position he should be. As the actor plays a stand-animation you can see that the head also moves slightly with the animation, so that we can be sure head update is running.

It seems like we would not get the vertex position we requested, but the position of a vertex near to it.

Strange is also that once we move the actor the head position gets updated right. The described behaviour can only be seen while actor and head were created and the stand animation is playing. After moving the actor the head is placed right even when the stand animation is playing.

As those places are always the same and can be reproduced every time, there must be something special at this position, but I don't have any clue where to search.

Have you any idea why this could happen?

Best regards,