Hello, the "Surreal Material Effects Editor" (SMEE for short) is a tool that I have been working on latelly - a simple (but hopefully effective) solution for editing and creating shaders and other material effects. It offers:

-Click together Material Editing functionality, allows you to design your own simple effects or edit other effects without writing a single line of code.
-Useful predefined material properties including shaded, metal, glass, and “Blood Marble”.
-Dynamically reload, edit, and update .FX Shader files without even exiting the program.
-A source code editor for .FX files (Surreal Shader Editor) that is fully functional with the main application.
-A built in collection of Material Effects and Shaders including Improved Overlay, Waving Grass, Wire Frame, Per Pixel Lighting (Normal Mapping), Bump Mapping, Terrain Multi-texturing, and more.
-Export generated effects to 3DGS C-Script
-Reload a variety of different entities including 3DGS Model files (MD5 and MD7 format), Terrain (HMP format), and Sprites (Bitmap, Targa, and PCX are all supported).
-Previewing tools include multiple camera modes, preview generated source code, and editor speed controls.

I hope that someone out there will find this tool handy. Even if your above what it has to offer, you still may find it usefull for quickly developing advanced effects with the features it has to offer. It is in no way complete - but hopefully it takes a step in the right direction toward 3DGS some day getting a true Shader/Material Effects Editor.

The editor can be downloaded at:

Download it, have fun with it, and tell me what you think! Feel free to post your thoughts/comments too. Click here to visit the editors home page (forum based) - Where you can make requests for future features, post bugs, ask more in depth questions, get updates, and so on (Please register to support this program, it is much appreciated ).

