Thanks everyone!

@Drew, I got your pm, and I'm glad to take any good models with normal maps I can get. Are you interested in doing a simple shader techdemo to accompany the editor? I would do it, but I'm afraid I don't have the required computer power (yet hehe - only vertex shader support O.O ) or time - at least at the moment. It could maybe even accompany the library, and encompass all of the included effects to act as a sort of "preview". Please get back to me if you have any interest!

Also everyone, I'm always on the lookout for .fx files for the library! If you have any you'd like to share with the community, please send them my way

Here is a little effect I whipped up - a combination of the Dot3 Bumpmapping .fx file, a normal map as skin 2, and the metal predefine:

Also, next update will feature a built in targa heightmap to DOT3 Normal Map converter compliments of ATI
