add this before the main function
//////////// used to sync the mouse properly
function on_maximize_event() // adapt the engine resolution to the window size
{   RECT r;   GetClientRect(hWnd,&r);    video_set(r.right,r.bottom,0,0); }
function on_resize_event() // adapt the engine resolution to the window size
{   RECT r;   GetClientRect(hWnd,&r);    video_set(r.right,r.bottom,0,0); }

I'm also using mouse_sync in the main function after the level load and auto maximize.

if it still doesn't work, search the forum for this code and you'll find the working example. This is what I am using and it works great.

Last edited by Nicholas; 12/09/09 17:02.

Black holes are where God divided by zero.