I played MW2 yesterday and i was surprised they keep asking you at the beginning if you want to skip certain missions...

Then when i entered the Airport mission i remembered this thread. But to be honest, i didn't think the mission was that bad.

At first i thought *hm when i don't shoot at the people, they might notice i'm a "spy"*
So you just start shooting everything around you. After a while of getting tired of it i thought "i wonder if they even programed it that they will notice you if you dont shoot" so i stopped shooting the entire mission.

And while walking through the airport i often thought "hm those peoples models keep repeating a lot, so many of them have the same clothes" and other gamedesign-related questions.

After all it's just a game and i doubt it affects many people. I don't know if this missions count to the one that would have skipped if i accepted the question at the beginning but this one wasn't really.. "immersive"

The best mission so far was the snowmobile one grin I love snow/ice levels.

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Wind weht alle Worte fort,
Tag und Nacht schrei ich mein Krähenwort!"

Subway To Sally - Krähenkönig