Hey, was looking up some new MMORPGs to play and I think I found a couple good ones that I wanted to share with the Gstudio peeps.

1) 4Story - This is the most recent and by far the best free MMO I have played...It's exactly like WoW in everyway =]

2)Anarchy Online - Started to play this a couple of months ago, really fun at first, but got bored and confused at what to do after a while

3)Guild Wars - I know its not really free, but at least its not a pay2play one. Been playing GW for like 4 years, and had an awesome time doing it =P. Special Events and Contests were always well planned out and really fun.

I was also wondering what other MMOs people have been playing. And if any of you play 4Story, my name is Beastlyman <- be sure to friend me =D


To see what 3d models i have made and animated, see the link to my bloghttp://championsdawn.blogspot.com