In A7.80 I wasn't able to use GED, because GED froze in while loading any level and GED hung.

Since A7.82.2 GED works, but it seems that GED uses a wrong directory (the 'publish directory') to load terrains.

In my demolevel I used WED to change the terrain and placed my models on it.
After build, save and run in WED the new demolevel looked correct in WED (like the right screenshot).

But I hadn't published my demolevel at this time yet, and in the directory Demolevel.CD there still was the old published version with the old terrain and the old models.

Then I loaded the demolevel in GED and found out, that GED uses the directory Demolevel to load the correkt models, but the directory Demolevel.CD to load the old (wrong) terrain.

In the left picture you see the result.
All models seem wrongly placed, but GED only uses the old (wrong) terrain from the 'publish directory'(Demolevel.CD).

When I load the demolevel in WED and 'Publish' it, the directory Demolevel.CD is updated and now it contains the new terrain.

When I load the demolevel in GED now, the demolevel seems to look correct (like the right screenshot), but nevertheless GED uses the wrong 'publish directory' Demolevel.CD to load the terrain.

GED is a cool plugin and I would be pleased, if on could solve this bug until the release of the A7.82.2. laugh

Last edited by Tracker; 01/07/10 00:22.

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