Originally Posted By: Redeemer

The second reason Windows dominates the market is the fact that nobody is willing to learn the better system, that is Linux. The trouble with the average electronics consumer is that he/she is unwilling to spend time to figure out his/her device before he runs off with it and loads it up with viruses. People like devices like iPods and iPhones because they are so simple to use

while that is true, I dont believe there is anything wrong with it. Thats about the equivilent of saying people are dumb for using c++ instead of assembly because you could theoretically make your programs exponentially more efficient with assembly... But it would take forever, and the dev time itself would be ineffecient.

Inefficiencies have several forms, whether its taking time you dont have to learn to use linux when you have a perfectly good option with windows, or spending time searching for linux software... It's not always strictly about what "could be better".

You also add the "loads it with viruses", now this is an issue I've been arguing about with peopl for a long time because It's not my fault if you (not you specifically, I'm referring to most people) are too retarded to keep your computer free of viruses, and even if you get them, reinstalling windows and drivers takes 45 minutes tops, so just keep an extra partition with your important shit on it and your good. Even with linux, I recommend reformatting once in a while just strictly for the "making everything new without much effort" factor. Even if you don't, I put together my best friends pc about 1.5 years ago.... he has NO VIRUS PROTECTION WHATSOEVER.... but he's also not an idiot and so he hasnt had any real issues with it yet.... I have avg.... I never scan like I should... but then again I'm not some idiot who doesnt know how to keep viruses off my pc so it still runs fine.

point being, yes there are viruses for windows... just dont get them! and yes, people are too lazy to learn things some times... and sometimes they just dont have the time, and thats perfectly fine.