This pics look photoshopped because they are. When a telescope (eg hobble) takes a picture it is not like real thing.real thing may be dark or even invisible or visible only on special light with a certain wave length.So the telescope should capture all waves (even those that are not visible by human eye). So after that data must be visualized to be visible by human eye. Of cource it is not done by photoshop but some thing similar. So colors may look unnatural or photoshoped.
I think this is the reason but i may be wrong.anyway a have not physics PHD.

Bible says: God created Earth and humans etc and never talk about Other planets with life.. But..

I think Bible is not the real thing.It is changed during time. in early years church realized that the real Bible may be dangerous for them.So they changed it slowly during years.And current Bible is completely different from orginal Bible.
I am sure in Orginal Bible it was mentioned that life may exist in other planets.
For further info refer to book "Angles and Demons" by dan brown.


so much possibilities for life..
probability of earth being the only one =
1/10000000000000000+infinity.. ~ 0%

Its amazing

every body got some dues in life to pay