i agree..
Well the time explanation things.. i have nothing to say, i was typing fast, and had no effort to make it sound very logical to everbody...

in Suma:

Time is not always equal, because time is a product of space existing somewhere.

Without time there is no space.. otherwise you couldn't use this:
on time = 0; mass=100 and assuming e=mc2 ..

We got m(mass of object)= e/c2 so..
100kg=e / c2 -> where light speed is measured with time (1s to move from 0 to 300 000 km) and if there is no time, you can't say its 300 000 km/1s since time =0s this would mean 300 000 m / 0 units which is not possible under "logical" means. because to even measure 1 sec, you need time, otherwise its stuck on 0s.. since time is a flux of a changing rate of energy or something "really hard to understand" its like the wave-particle paradox..

thats why lightspeed object "probably" will become into energy and loose their mass?? (converted right from e=mc2)

Check this.. because if im not doing wrong maths..
e=mc2 then, m=e/c2 so , keeping energy constant lets say 100 units

mass(m) of a object running at half the speed of light:
m=e/ 150 000 which is higher than m=e/ 300 000
Weird because its against someone i heard that told super speed gives massive mass, and makes thing heavier

Last edited by MMike; 01/17/10 03:56.