eheh.. but anyway.. when somone says per second.. the velocit of light.. we must understand that in 1 sec 300 000km reached, but the 1 second had to be measured in a time existing environment, which can be different from different places (near the sun, or near a black-hole..) where light cant escape ( because its not fast enough when passing the curved space...) so time there 1 sec passed, but thats very relative and you told...

There is this thing that i cant stop thinking...
when the universe had its " bigbang.." time was created as space did expand too

And, since space was being created, there was no mass yet formed ( because mass occupy space with no space there cant be mass to be placed ( i think), so everything was energy in a tiny dot (big bang Theory)... so can we say? e=mc2
that... e= 0 * c2 ??? which means no energy at all? then no bigbang, there must be mass already... but where? if it starts on a tiny dot of energy

and how can energy be transformed to a proton or something that will give hydrogen and stars and all that matter...

Last edited by MMike; 01/17/10 14:49.