Personally, my point was actually that God's existence has not been disproved. Many claim (though this isn't directed at you at all) that their disbelief in God is scientific; but that doesn't fit with a scientific perspective. Disbelief in God comes from other reasons.

I think you might not have understood why I brought up the "stone that's too heavy for even God to lift" argument, as it's basically the same grade, same kind of argument, but against God.

You're convinced of your belief and therefore your 'it's not disproven' argument has a lot of value for you, but as the Spaghetti Monster God and equivalents show, that really holds no true value at all.

It might be fact that your God (whatever the literal definition of that 'being' would be) isn't disproved, but that doesn't make the contrary true or even likely!

Your arguments just suggest a limited understanding of Christianity.

No, it doesn't at all. It merely suggest you are a follower of a special kind of Christianity, that in your idealized view doesn't share any connections with Christianity as a world-religion that's spread all over the world. You're convinced your religion is without a dark history, but that's really where you are the ignorant one.

Whenever I am talking about how religious people in my opinion are ignorant, I'm talking about their belief in creationism and all the scientific evidence that points in an entirely different direction. I'm also thinking about how history and mankind itself, and not God, determined the content of the allegedly divine inspired Bible texts. Last but not least, I'm thinking about the 'divine intervention' for which there's really no evidence at all. If it's not proven by solid facts, why assume it is??

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