The Bible doesn't appear to describe what a soul is, but I don't think it needs to. My soul seems intuitive to me, and is not something I had to be taught. Instead, "soul" is a word that I associate with something I've always had based on the context in which it is often used.

Which is what I said, it's not actually in the bible. Especially conceptually, it's different.

So, yes, the idea of an immortal soul is supported by the Bible, even if we aren't told, "This is what a 'soul' is".

No, you're wrong here. This is exactly what I meant with the difference between popular theology and the actual content of the scriptures. But hey be my guest and believe whatever you want or whatever your local churchleader commands you. tongue

The concept of everlasting life is referenced a lot in the New Testament

The New Testament is the Greek Testament, the second major division of the bible. You should brush up your knowledge about it's history and what structural supersessionism means... as this exactly proves my point!

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