Me, Myself and My Enemy:
While I like the idea that the enemy and the player are the same person, I see a problem on how the future I doesn´t know about what he did in his past and how it ended or if it doesn´t end, where he gets evil...
I see that this is a general problem with time travelling and that one could may even find some kind of explanation which could be enough for such a game, but the gameplay doesn´t seem unique enough for me and seems to lack variation.

Broken Planet:
It seems to be able to offer a unique style, even though those floating environments seem to get more and more common at the moment. On the other hand it seems to be baicly just another jump and run which would need some really special elements or puzzles or what ever to spice it up.
But the projects scale could may work and the result may wouldn´t be the worst.

Seems to be just another turn based game to me, or didn´t I read carefull enough? A great thing for mobile platforms but in my opinion not for a high tech computer, even though one can of course make it visually demanding laugh

The Arcade Room:
Realizable, but I don´t like the idea of a arcade game collection, even though the customizing part makes it at least a bit more interesting.

Mars Runs Red:
Doesn´t seem to be very unique to me and like a lot of work.

I don´t understand the gameplay actually, but I like the idea of the environment being procedurally generated. But it again needs something more then just shooting down the enemies in always the same way.

Could be a unique style for such a game, but none I would really enjoy...

I like the basic idea a lot, but the exact design is of course missing here.

I will vote for "Broken Planet" or "Enemies", which one could may even connect in some way. But all of these will need a lot of more work, until it gets a really unique and fun game...