Originally Posted By: darkinferno
well my vote is for slacer, wondering how he'd pull off the multiplayer though, split screen? would be very easy to do online though, i like the fact that this has never been done/seen, reminds me of digdug but in 3d..

Thank you laugh

There are several reasons why I did not push the idea more in the original thread.
- Most important was the decision _agains_ multiplayer for the community game.
- I don't think A7 builtin physics engine is able to handle a network game with lots of physics objects very well. But you can prove me wrong or show me that we don't need physics at all to create the visual effect.
- Using bubbles to glue opponents onto the ground or let them float in the air is a nice effect but there must be more for a complete game.

I was surprised to find this idea on the list because I provided just a few lines of description and no game designs docs at all.

Choosing this game would mean that the team needs to spend some time to create more flesh for the game itself.
This - would be a single team driven game developed around the simple idea of using bubbles as fun factor.

Can you rise to the challenge? grin

Last edited by slacer; 01/22/10 18:49.