Hi all...

So, I'm not even sure where to begin here.

I've had a 3DGS license now for... geeze... since early A6, at least and upgraded to A7. I've yet do actually *do* with the system, and it's driving me nuts.

The thing is... I can't seem to get traction with learning how to do anything with the system because it seems like the tutorials I find fall under one or more of these categories:

- In a language I can't understand (usually German; and I'm half German, go figure)
- Link to 404 pages or are otherwise dead
- Are for old versions of the system that are no longer valid
- Are far too specialized for *specific* tasks, and not very beginner friendly
- probably other reasons I'm forgetting

I've downloaded the tutorials from here, I've gone through the wiki, I've Googled, I've looked on YouTube, I've gone through AcknexUnlimited, etc. etc. Believe me... I've tried to find resources to work with, many times... to no avail.

At the same time, I see projects being done with it and people making progress. How in the heck are you folks figuring this all out? I mean, I consider myself a pretty intelligent person and maybe it's just that I'm over-complicating it for myself, or something's just not "clicking"... but I can't even figure out a solid foundation that I can build off from.

I have ideas for games from the simplest little "arcade-style" up to full RPGs that I'd love to work on, but I can't even get a guy walking on a terrain that I created and imported myself.

To be sure... though this post might seem like a long rambling complaint, I'm posting it because I *want* to use 3DGS. I like the engine. I've seen what can be done with it and I believe it would be a great solution for me to realize some of the projects I've in mind. I just have this huge hurdle to get over which is... figuring out how the heck to get *moving* with it.

So perhaps the best way to end this is to ask those of you here who have worked with 3DGS and either have projects under way or perhaps even released.. what were your hurdles when first starting out? What did you do to get over them? What tips could you provide? Perhaps some good resources online that I've completely missed in my searches?

Thanks for any help.

Last edited by Preypacer; 01/23/10 06:14.