You're twisting my words again. I never said Joozey was wrong in being agnostic. I've already explained how I meant what was said. To be honest, it's pretty pathetic you're even bringing it up again.
I've twisted nothing, and either you're over-reacting or you've misunderstood me. You were very clear that a belief that either view is possible is wrong, on the basis that "God can't exist for quite a few obvious reasons" -- none of which have occurred in this thread. And it's not pathetic. I called your atheistic evangelism what it is, and you said that was "bs". Accordingly, I brought up appropriate evidence for my claim.
I think you're in denial here. wink Besides, if you believe in your understanding of the Bible as being solely your own, and what people would get spoon-fed is the very same thing, I don't see why me saying something about it would really matter here anyway.
That's simple. I have continued this discussion under the generous assumption that you actually are well-read and haven't just watched a youtube conspiracy video, while you do the opposite: in a patronising manner you refuse to allow the conversation to go forward on the basis that I'm wrong that I actually have an understanding of the Bible. You have a hunch that I have not been raised as I claim, and on that basis my references to the Bible are too "blind" or "biased" to be of value to the discussion.
Again, my point wasn't about how I think my interpretation is more accurate at all, it's how people stretch words as if it says 'a soul is ....', when it really doesn't say that at all, no matter how you interpret the texts.
One more time: eternal life + death of the body = we're more than just a body. We don't need "And this is a soul:". A "soul" is what gets preserved eternally by God's grace, even after our body is gone. It's how our post-death existence is different to an equally complex machine that ceases to function (obviously theoretical).

Anyway I'm done with this discussion. I know we've been off-topic for a while anyway, but this discussion hasn't been productive at any point.

Besides, I don't have anything left to say to the actual topic besides: Search results from other engines are never as relevant as Google's wink And Google Apps is awesome.

Sorry everyone.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!