is there limit for using ent_create?

here's my main but the last object that i load using ent_create says can't open file but when i swap it to the
court.mdl position and put it on comment it works. but when it comment it out the court.mdl which is now at the end after i swap them says can't open file again.

anyone knows how to solve this?

function main(){
//Load the level
active_building = 1; //Admin building loaded

//Show Main Menu on startup

//Make background blue

//Set mouse mode
mouse_mode = 4;

//Set the sky color = 150; = 150; = 200;

//Create the player and have him run "player_control" function
//Player = ent_create("models//player.mdl", vector(-2490,-2630,70), player_control);

//Set camera at birds eye level

camera.x = 10362;
camera.y = -5322;
camera.z = 50000;

camera.tilt = -90;
camera.pan = 0;
camera.roll = 0;

camera.clip_far = 100000;

//Create Buildings

//Create VPA Building
Building = ent_create("vpa.mdl", vector(25,25,0), NULL);
Building.passable = off;
Building.polygon = on;
Building.push = 100;

//Create VPA Extension Building
Building = ent_create("vpa_extension.mdl", vector(-6200,-800,0), NULL);
Building.passable = off;
Building.polygon = on;
Building.push = 100;

//Create Brickyard
Building = ent_create("brickyard.mdl", vector(6000, -9500,-100), NULL);
Building.passable = off;
Building.polygon = on;
Building.push = 100;

//Create Engineering Building
Building = ent_create("engineering.mdl", vector(13000,-4500,0), NULL);
Building.passable = off;
Building.polygon = on;
Building.push = 100;

//Create Centrum Building
Building = ent_create("centrum.mdl", vector(2500,-9000,0), NULL);
Building.passable = off;
Building.polygon = on;
Building.push = 100;

//Create LCA2 Building
Building = ent_create("lca2.mdl", vector(-4000,-9000,0), NULL);
Building.passable = off;
Building.polygon = on;
Building.push = 100;

//Create fame Building
Building = ent_create("fame.mdl", vector(20000,-12000,0), NULL);
Building.passable = off;
Building.polygon = on;
Building.push = 100;

//create court
Building = ent_create("court.mdl", vector(-300,-1800,10),NULL);
Building.polygon = on;
Building.push = 100;

Building = ent_create("road.mdl", vector(0,0,10),NULL);
Building.polygon = on;
Building.push = 100;

//Main Loop