I am not able to trigger the EVENT_SHOOT event.

I want to detect shoot event when moving "ent1" entity into "ent2", when supposedly the shoot event happen than a text is drawn.

Bellow is the code. What is wrong?

P.S. I will sugest 3gs team to improve the help. For the beginners is quite hard to get it fast and most of the example given in the manual are ambiguous whereas the examples given in the tutorial are clear so far as I'm concerned. What do you think about that?

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

ENTITY* ent1 = NULL;
ENTITY* ent2 = NULL;
ENTITY* ent3 = NULL;

function click_event1()

if(event_type == EVENT_SHOOT){
draw_text("Shoot event!!!",100,10,vector(255,255,255));

action cube1()
my.emask|=(ENABLE_SHOOT );
var i;var pos[3];
my.event = click_event1;

while (1)

if (key_s) c_move (my, vector(2*time_step , 0, 0), nullvector, ACTIVATE_SHOOT);
if (key_a) c_move (my, vector(-2*time_step , 0, 0), nullvector, ACTIVATE_SHOOT);

if (key_z) c_move (my, vector(0 , 2*time_step, 0), nullvector, ACTIVATE_SHOOT);
if (key_x) c_move (my, vector(0 , -2*time_step, 0), nullvector, ACTIVATE_SHOOT);

wait (1);

function main()
video_mode = 9;
ph_check_distance = 1;
mouse_mode = 2;
level_load ("work10.wmb");
vec_set(camera.x,vector(-550, -30, 100));

ent1=ent_create("modul2.mdl", vector(400, 300, -70), cube1);

ent2=ent_create("baza.mdl", vector(-100, 300, -70), NULL);

camera.pan = 0;

camera.y -= (factor*joy_force.x);
camera.x += (factor*joy_force.y);
if (joy_4)camera.pan+=(0.3*factor);
if (joy_5)camera.pan-=(0.3*factor);
if (joy_3) camera.z += 1;
if (joy_2) camera.z -= 1;

if (joy_8) camera.tilt += (0.1*factor);
if (joy_9) camera.tilt -= (0.1*factor);

if (joy_1 && joy_2)

vec_set(camera.x,vector(-550, -30, 100));


mouse_pos.x = mouse_cursor.x;
mouse_pos.y = mouse_cursor.y;

