thanks MRGuest... Im not a much of a scripter but where do I place the code? In the shader itself or in player code? Thanks!

heres the shader code...

#include <define>
#include <transform>
#include <fog>
#include <pos>
#include <normal>
#include <lights>
#include <vecskill>
#include <color>

texture entSkin1; // texture
texture entSkin2; // lightmap
sampler sBaseTex = sampler_state { Texture = <entSkin1>; MipFilter = Linear; };
sampler sSkin2 = sampler_state { Texture = <entSkin2>; MipFilter = Linear; };

struct toonOut
float4 Pos: POSITION;
float Fog: FOG;
float4 Ambient:COLOR1;
float2 Tex: TEXCOORD0;
float2 LM: TEXCOORD1;
float4 Param: TEXCOORD3;

toonOut toon_VS (
in float4 inPos: POSITION,
in float3 inNormal: NORMAL,
in float2 inTex: TEXCOORD0,
in float2 inLM: TEXCOORD1
toonOut Out;
Out.Pos = DoTransform(inPos);
Out.Tex = inTex;
Out.LM = inLM;
Out.Fog = DoFog(inPos);
Out.Ambient = 2*DoAmbient();

float3 P = DoPos(inPos);
// rotate and normalize the normal
float3 N = DoNormal(inNormal);

float3 Color = 0;
for (int i=0; i<iLights; i++) // Add dynamic lights
Color += DoLight(P,N,i);

Out.Param.x = length(Color*vecDiffuse);
Out.Param.y = DoDefault(vecSkill41.z*0.015,0.70); // shadow threshold
Out.Param.z = DoDefault(vecSkill41.x*(0.3/50),0.3); // shadow brightness
Out.Param.w = DoDefault(vecSkill41.w*(0.03/50),0.05); // shadow edge

return Out;

float4 toon_PS(toonOut In): COLOR
float4 base = tex2D(sBaseTex,In.Tex);

float light;
if (In.Param.x > In.Param.y)
light = 1.0;
else if (In.Param.x > In.Param.y-In.Param.w)
light = lerp(1.0,In.Param.z,(In.Param.y-In.Param.x)/(In.Param.w));
light = In.Param.z;

return base * light * In.Ambient;

float4 toonLM_PS(toonOut In): COLOR
float4 base = tex2D(sBaseTex,In.Tex);
float4 lightmap = tex2D(sSkin2,In.LM);

In.Param.x += length(;
float light;
if (In.Param.x > In.Param.y)
light = 1.0;
else if (In.Param.x > In.Param.y-In.Param.w)
light = lerp(1.0,In.Param.z,(In.Param.y-In.Param.x)/(In.Param.w));
light = In.Param.z;

return base * light * In.Ambient;

technique toon
pass one
VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 toon_VS();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 toon_PS();
pass two
vertexShaderConstant[0] = <matWorldViewProj>;
vertexShaderConstant[16] = <vecSkill41.y*0.06>;

VertexShader = asm
dcl_position v0
dcl_normal v3
dcl_texcoord v7
mov r0,v0
mul r1,c16.x,v3
// Scale the normal
m4x4 oPos,r0,c0
// Transform position to clip space
mov oD0, c0
mov r0,c0

technique toon_lm
pass one
VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 toon_VS();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 toonLM_PS();

technique fallback { pass one { } }

Last edited by Gamesaint762; 02/08/10 01:42.