if this world were darkinferno's, all games would be multiplayer games grin

No, I agree though. Flight simulator of some sort would be cool, but I'd add a few of your towers, not just one. (Even if you don't make a game out of it, can you make a video with mutliple, maybe a little smaller, towers? I think it would look real fun :D)

Also, i'm still interested in what sorts of shapes this code can produce. You've only shown towers so far, which look awesome, but could it also create rocks/spheres/hills/caves? Is there any input-parameters that are used to control what sort of shape it is (I'm sure there is, but how "flexible" are they?)

Reason I'm asking is: we want/need big asteroid-fields in our game. And we simply can't get rid of the seams (in the modeling tools they look great, but as soon as we import them to acknex, there's the seam), and we needs lots of different asts, so we were thinking of using "procedural stuff" for the larger ones.
Any insiders as to whether this would even make sense at all? With your LOD code, it would truly rock...

EVE online has done something like that, though I don't know if they're using procedural shaders:
Maybe I should read up on that some time...

Last edited by Germanunkol; 02/11/10 09:36.

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-Mark Twain