Originally Posted By: Progger
hi helghast thx for this ragdoll code (:
Can u make a tut how to use ragdoll because i do not know how to use this on other models
This would be great

I will eventually, but not very soon... Work and girlfriend take time as well wink

Originally Posted By: Quadraxas
nice, ill try this out with some other models this weekend.

Show us how that went! grin

Originally Posted By: Rei_Ayanami
Nice, but you should definitly reset the physics for the objects after it doesen't really move anymore - else it eats too many frames xD

Yes, I agree... But the whole code is unoptimised yet wink i can implement alot more of these, but simply wanted to get something out people can work with again wink


Formerly known as dennis_fantasy
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Project - http://randomchance.cherrygames.org/