my background story...

My enthusiasm for playing computer games awoke very early when I was 4 or 5 years old. We had a 16 MHZ 256 IBM PC with MS-DOS and GEM as graphical environment and a few games on it. Besides the first Duke Nukems, Flight Simulator 3 and a few other great cool old DOS games we had the whole Commander Keen Saga from ID Software, wonderful games. I`ve never played a better platformer until now and am sometimes still playing the new Steam version of Commander Keen these days.
Few years later in 1998 the first Unreal from Epic Megagames was released which should change my sense for game design. I (as a ten years old guy not speaking even one single English word besides "hello", "goodbye" and "start new game" ^^) learned how to create own levels in the UnrealEd and created my own map pack which my dumb brother deleted two years later by formatting the hard drive. I almost killed him back then grin . CD burners cost 300$ in that time, USB sticks weren`t even on the market, so I`ve got no backups of my first tries in game design.
Back then I dreamed of creating my completly own game, no mod, but programming everything by myself. From an advertisment of Acknex 3 in a German PC magazine ("Gamestar") I knew the 3D Gamestudio, but it was way too expensive for me.

So, in 2001, I tried to learn C and, in about 2 or 3 days, programmed my first game ever, a text-based quiz game called Quiz!. Then, in November 2001, I was at a computer software exhibition and made the steal of my life: I bought the brand-new 3D Gamestudio A5 Extra Edition as a second hand product for just 39DM / 20$ instead of 199DM / 110$!!

From that moment on I started developing games in Gamestudio first built upon the A5 templates, later from about 2003 on I scripted mainly by myself. In 2005 I showed a little 3D shooter called "Nightfall" in the style of the first Unreal at a German independent game developer meeting called "Dusmania". Watching at the projects of the other developers I decided to stop that project and began a new one in the style of Unreal Tournament 99: Adrenaline. And that`s what I`m still doing today. First written in WDL, then in C-Script and now in Lite-C the project is doing advantages and I`m looking forward to a release in September of this year.

Now it`s your turn, Captain_Kiyaku wink

Edit: This is my 500th post! grin

Last edited by Rondidon; 02/17/10 18:21.