I tried just using the car body and 4 wheels but if could not get the suspension working.

I guess you are talking about


Parameter 6 : nullvector or spring-damper constants in the 0..100000 range, e.g. (90000,100,0)

I tried this but the wheels would slowly fall off the car. If i used a high value and suspended the car above the ground they dropped to the ground quickly. If i used a small value they slowly fell to the ground. They never stopped falling till they hit something though, should it not be limited to how far they move?

ive been playing about with different values whenever i get the chance and the car seems to be working quite well now. I made the back wheels into hinges because if i used PH_WHEEL the wheels would suddenly begin turning (as in turning the car) under speed. I also still have a problem where the wheels begin to fall of (to the side) whenever i make a sharp turn, im guessing thats the bug mentioned on the bug pages?

thanks again

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