Originally Posted By: George
Dear friends,

Thank you for getting involved in this contest either by creating these impressive demos or by taking the time to test them, comment on them and vote them. It was a tough competition, so the jury has had a hard time deciding the winners:

1st prize (A7 pro): Meteor Mess 3D
2nd prize (A7 pro): Key Perilous

JCL had appreciated the quality of the entries, so he has decided to give away one more prize:

3rd prize (A7 pro): Golden Eye

Congratulations to all the participants; all the entries were very good. JCL will contact the winners shortly.
Congratulations to all!

Was the jury from the voting? If so, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but:
1st: Meteor Mess 3D 31 (26%)
2nd: Golden Eye 23 (19%)
3rd: 2662 Star Invaders 17 (14%)
4th: Key Perilous 15 (13%)

Or did I miss something?