I dont see any advantage for a ribbon.
I wish there where an option to disable that for the new Word/Excel versions.

The reason:

Ribbons might help bloddy beginners to see basic functions easier,
but they have a major flaw.
They dont present information as a list, but as a 2D matrix.
And the Ribbons desperately tries to show all available functions and fill the screen with it, even if they are seldomly used.

Looking for a function in a list is much easier than looking
at a cluttered Matrix with different looking buttons, and
the need to press Tabs.

The classic Top-Menus are much easier to use for finding a function.
They have a caterogry (like EDIT), and then a list of options.
Also they only use as much space as you need to find the function.
For shortcts, a customizable Toolbar is much better than a fixed huge "Ribbon", that constantly wastes space, and still can not
show all shortcut functions.

Also try to avoid Icons for functions that are not used very often.
A plain Text for that button is way better than some weired icon-GFX.