Originally Posted By: darkinferno

-better animations [you could use the ones from my GoldenEye game, theyre alot better than these, just add other anims and tweak what you want]
-didnt care much for the enemy behaviours
-tweak that flashlight code if you can, its weird seeing it on walls behind where its pointing, thats not an easy problem to solve but you could try turning it off while running

Got to admit that I'm no good modeler, cant say I'm good at programming either :LoL:. I'll be thankful if you can give me some nice animated bone(not the model, there are plenty of those so I can attach my model to it), or where can I d/l them for free laugh . I'm still looking for the way to remove the reverse projection, but still I cant find the solution without having to use shader(I can only use FFP)

Originally Posted By: the_clown

I noticed that the main character is blending its upper body animations, is that true? And if so, how did u manage that?

Yep, I use a combination of ent_animate(with anm_add), ent_blend, and ent_bonerotate. I use ent_blend for switching between state(like form, run, to aim, or aim to reload etc), then when aiming, I use ent_bonerotate after blending.