I have a jump code and it works great for when the player is not moving but when I am running and then jump he seems to glide and not land on his feet, anyone has ideas? Here is a portion of my code.
// adjust entity to the ground height, using a downwards trace
		if(c_trace(my.x,vector(my.x,my.y,my.z-5000),IGNORE_PASSABLE|IGNORE_ME) > 0)
		dist_down= my.z + vFeet.z - hit.z; // always place player's feet on the ground
		dist_down = 0;	
	   if((dist_down > 0))
		 dist_down = clamp(dist_down,100,accelerate(speed_down,-nc_gravity * time_step,0.1));
	   	//do the speed down to equal 0 so that he snaps to the ground
	   	speed_down = 0;
	   	if((dist_down + speed_down)> 0)
	   		speed_down = - dist_down - 0;
	      if(key_space == 1)
	      	jump_target = jump_height * time_step;
       if(jump_target > 0)
       	speed_down = (sqrt((jump_target)* nc_gravity))*time_step;
       	jump_target -= speed_down ;

This is the jump portion any help is appreciated.