"But we can make a deal: If you or somebody else release his game and gamestudio still doesn't use OpenAL I will compile you a version that is working without OpenAL."

That sounds like a great deal!
Yeah, it's the licence thing. I know it's not much of a deal, but it's one more thing to remember, one more dll that I can have trouble adding to the archive, one more dll I have to keep on remembering people need to install etc. I realise it's not much, but if 3dgs doesn't use it by the time we release, it would really be great if we could get an Anet version without it, thanks for the offer!!

I put in the new dll and have not yet found any errors, after installing the OpenAl.dll it loads and works great.

~"I never let school interfere with my education"~
-Mark Twain