well... let me just say that gamestudio isnt very art friendly, you can create great games, all unique since the scripting is very powerful, its limit is your skill BUT when it comes to making that game look visually appealing then theres where this engine falls, the time it takes to set up a beautiful scene is VERY long, working with shaders and WED/GED

torque is more fun to play with i guess, adding models and seeing them look good is quite easy but i always felt like i was making a mod rather than a full game so i dont know much about it

unity also seems very art friendly but since am use to 3dgs scripting, i stopped using it after i couldnt find the scripting interface grin

i love the scripting of gamestudio, pretty much dislike its art pipeline, check my youtube page below and you can see what i've done so far with scripting, you'll see that even though unity/torque may look better, most of their games are pretty much lacking in terms of functionality and being unique

Last edited by darkinferno; 03/06/10 02:26.