
i´m working on a redesign of a room for (learning) presentations.
maybe (if the legal cases causes no problems) it sould be possible, that the audience of the presentation is recorded (for analyzing their reactions after the presentation).

to install 2 cameras is not the problem (by the way, if you know good USB or firewire cams, please post your experiences). but recording the voices could be difficult.
the room is: 5.5 meter width and 6.5 meter long. the audience sit (in 3 lines) in the back 2/3 of the room (like pupils in school).
any idea how to record the voice preferably balanced of as many listeners as possible? and which microphone?

and (additionally), any recommend (on the shirt pinnable) microphone for the presenting student?

i have not that much experience with audio technology...

thank you very much for you help