ok, I am wondering if it is possible. I have a splash screen code from AUM 41. I want to change it into pause screen because it only appears when the level loads and goes down when you press a button. I want to be able to hit a button on the keyboard and pause the game and the splash screen appears and can go away when you press that button again. I want it to be used anytime you wish because it will show the objectives of that level you are on. is this possible?

code per AUM 41


bmap splash_pcx = <splash.pcx>; // Your Spash Pcx graphic

panel splash_pan 
   bmap = splash_pcx; 
   pos_x = 0; 
   pos_y = 0; 
   layer = 1; 
   flags = overlay, refresh; 

starter show_splash()
   freeze_mode = 1; // stop all the entities in the level
   splash_pan.visible = on; // show the splash screen
   while (key_space == 0) {wait (1);} // wait until the "space" key is pressed
   while (key_space == 1) {wait (1);} // wait until the "space" key is released
   splash_pan.visible = off;
   freeze_mode = 0; // resume the gameplay

My Famous Quotes: "Hip hop is like a virus, infecting everyone and everything around it. Every form of media has some way,shape or form, assimilated hip hop into it." It has also mutated into other strains like, trip hop, house, rap, gangster, and conscious forms. Once you are infected with it, its with you for life."