I am going to proceed one of my older projects. I started it long time ago and showed my project to another Community, so it hasnt been seen here.

This is the old Thread in the other community
Old Project Thread(GERMAN)

OK, these are the things i'll have to do:

*working simulation of the whole environment with 17576 rooms and outwall(done)
*procedual generated map(done)
*clipping of unused rooms/element(done)
*Outwall and finish room(done)
*map transfer(done)
*climb system(done)

*procedual generated Math riddle(in progress)
*Multiplayer(improving during development of game)

*character animation(hold)
* different traps(hold)
*thrwoing shoes(hold)

Dont use some of the odler versions from the link above, these sgame versions are really old and not "uptodate". As soon as i fix the map transfer bug, i'll post a new version here.

Some screens:

In a few days, my holidays will start, so i'll have more time(currently translating mangas in my sparetime too)

EDIT1: Prealpha demo(fixxed):
Prealphademo FIXXED

use mouse to look around, wasd to move, ctrl to duck, E to open doors. Climb along the ladders you see at the wall/ceiling.

The menu is in German(later i'll add english too).

Starte Server = start server
Spiel beitreten = join a game (enter ip, for internet server needs port 2300 forwarded)
Optionen = Option (not used atm)
Beenden = Exit

Last edited by Rackscha; 03/30/10 20:21.

MY Website with news of my projects:
(for example my current
Muliplayer Bomberman,
GenesisPrecompiler for LiteC
and TileMaster, an easy to use Tile editor)