I am having this discussion with a lot of people lately, and it is a very intriguing thing. Deep down everyone of us craves to be immortal. But if you think about it for a minute... is it really that awesome?

Imagine this: By some mysterious cause X you gain immortality. Time passes by and you have done all sorts of things on Earth, tried everything - maybe even managed to bed every girl you dreamt of. By this time, humanity probably will have developed proper interstellar propulsion systems and hence you venture out into the unknowing darkness. As millions and millions of years pass by you get to see all the wonders of the universe, you visit the Horsehead nebula, drink Johnny Walker with aliens from Betelgeuse, Jump through a wormhole butt-naked...

And now it's 5 trillions years later. You did everything there is to do, you went everywhere you can go. Met every celebrity there is and celebrities that were thanks to a timemachine/holodeck.

Now what?

Maybe you really have lived a full life, seen and done everything. But when there is nothing else to do, what is the point?

I'll put it in a (modified) quote from exitmundi:

You will have all the time of the Universe. You will know every corner of the Universe and say: so what? Why search any further? To an immortal, searching every corner of the Universe will make as much sense as examining every blade of grass on Earth makes to us.

What's your take?

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku