No, Joquan, the Quake II game files are not freeware. id Software has a reputation for releasing the source code to all of their old games, but source code does NOT mean art/sounds/levels/etc. Source code is all the programming for the game. This way other programmers can look at the code, see how it works, and use it to make their own games with their own art/sounds/levels. But they are NOT allowed to redistribute the actual Quake II game data.

More reading:
"While the Q2 source is free (and many different Q2 engines are thus available for free), the game is still sold by id and the game media is NOT free. This means that you'll need a Q2 CD to get the media files (pak0.pak, which contains the maps, models, textures, sounds, ...) for the game."

"The engine is not the whole game. You can't install the program and expect to frag your little brother in the next room. The graphics, models, maps and such are not free. If you distribute those things (from the retail Quake 3 CD), you, in fact, will be a pirate. That part is not free."

Now, tell me: why isn't there any free download link for Quake II on id's official website? How is it that you can only find downloads for the full version of Quake II on sites that label themselves as "warez" "game crackers" "abandonwarez" and "pirates"? For the last time: Quake II is not free, nor are it's models, sounds, textures, sprites, music, or any of that. The ONLY free portion of Quake II is the source code. That's it. Nothing else.

Now, can we please keep this site free of warez and illegal content, and end this discussion right here? We've argued over this for far too long.

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!