Hey Bart,
perhaps you could restate your code sample in terms of what I have below with my mini test? Your code sample is little confusing to me since I am new to programming.

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>
#include <atypes.h>

function main()
level_load("roller.wmb"); // load the level

PANEL* squareone_pan = //panel between gameplay level and the VIEW camera 3rd person
layer = 1;
pos_x = 134;
pos_y = 134;
bmap = hpic.tga;
flags = SHOW;

PANEL* squaretwo_pan = //another panel?
pos_x = 334;
pos_y = 234;
layer = 3;//
bmap = "MPanel.tga";
flags = SHOW;

VIEW* camera3rdperson_view =

layer = 3;
pos_x = 97;
pos_y = 97;
size_x = 100;
size_y = 100;
flags = SHOW;
